You deserve the best treatment

You should expect to be treated with kindness, respect, and compassion without judgment at Sprout Pelvic Health.

Just you and your pelvic floor therapist

You deserve and will receive one on one sessions at Sprout Pelvic Health because this is the most effective way to evaluate and treat patients that participate in pelvic floor therapy. However, if you would like to bring your partner with you to your sessions, they are absolutely welcome!

Appointment sessions should not feel rushed

All of my patients have the opportunity to be seen for at least one hour per session.

I believe in a total-body approach to pelvic floor physical therapy

I believe that when performing evaluations and treatments, the state of a patient’s whole body should be taken into consideration. There are often times the cause of pelvic floor dysfunction is due to an impairment in some other region of the body; for example: there may be times when a patient is having pelvic pain, but I treat their shoulder position as part of the plan of care because posture may be one of the contributing factors causing the patient’s pelvic symptoms. Additionally, I provide tailor-made treatments based on the specific findings at your evaluation. You don’t have to worry about coming in to Sprout Pelvic Health and being told to just do kegals.

You are in control of your plan of care

You are the arbiter of your pelvic floor physical therapy care at Sprout Pelvic Health and I, as your pelvic floor physical therapist, am here to provide professional support, care, education, and training so that you are equipped with the tools you need to make the most optimal and informed decisions possible regarding your health and rehabilitation.